Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cure by Stem Cell for devastating diseases like autism

There's a list of cures from stem cells, now England is allowing it, as for China people can get treatments for $30,000 US. This is something to look into because it spares people needless suffering, the people like us with these incurable diseases - does Canada have stem cell treatment facilities?

Marcus turn 14 in February 21, 2009 and is still severly autistic.

This is similar to my little brother Marcus, but for him he changes his habits or routines every 6 months, instead of dumping coffee on the floor he set fires to the house anyway he can at the age of 4 and 6, from ovens, toasters short circuit wiring etc... he suceeded once at our fishing camp, he burnt down two tent housing frames. He's not fascinated with fires anymore.

"Evelyn was diagnosed with autism at 4 years of age. She exhibited most of the classic
characteristics of a child with autism. She was non-verbal. She was completely dependant
for her toileting, hygiene, feeding, and all daily care. She had multiple sensory issues and
would seek activities such as dumping coffee or sugar on the floor in the middle of the
night and playing with it. She would not sleep at night and had a hyperactivity level that,
according to her mother, “would exhaust a marathon runner”. She was very aggressive
and would kick, hit and bite during temper tantrums. She averted eye contact and never
initiated interactions with anyone. She was unable to follow the simplest instructions....

....By the age of 13, Evelyn was “doing all of the things a 13-year-old is supposed to do”,
states her mother. A child who previously was completely dependent for all of her daily
care was now doing assigned household chores like washing dishes and picking up her
room. She was “hanging out” with neighborhood children and socializing like a typical
teenager, even her Dentist commented that she was more cooperative and patient during
dental appointments than most of the other children. She was even able to soothe herself
in times of stress—a stark contrast to her former reaction of throwing a violent temper

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